Trimegah Bangun Persada

Environmental Impact Management

PT Trimegah Bangun Persada (TBP) as a mining company is one of the activities that is required to have an Environmental Impact Assessment document (Amdal) based on Government Regulation Number 22 of 2021, and Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry Number 4 of 2021. PTTBP's mining activities include general resource investigation, exploration, feasibility studies, construction, mining operation, ore processing and refining, transportation and sales, and post-mining activities.

TBP has a commitment to carry out environmental protection in its area of activity as stated in the Amdal document in the Environmental Management Plan (RKL) and Environmental Monitoring Plan (RPL) sections. TBP involves stakeholders in the preparation of the Amdal documents including directly affected communities, environmental activists, researchers, NGOs, and Local and Central Governments. The commitment covers all activities from the Pre-construction, Construction, Operation to Post-Mining Stages and on geo-physical-chemical, biodiversity, socio-economic-cultural, and public health aspects. TBP utilizes technological, social and economic, and institutional approaches in environmental impact management. TBP's environmental impact management and monitoring efforts are as follows:


Geo-Physical-Chemical Components

TBP's business activities have potential impact on geo-physical-chemical components, such as:

  1. Air quality;
  2. Noise and vibration levels;
  3. Surface and seawater quality;
  4. Hazardous waste generation; and
  5. Lake water level.
  6. Aquatic biota;
  7. Terrestrial flora and fauna.

Environmental impact management efforts carried out by TBP include the installation of emission control devices (wet scrubbers, ESP and baghouses), mining roads watering, the use of roadworthy heavy and light equipments, controlled land clearing, creating runoff water deposition ponds and land preparation (recontouring/regrading/resloping). Environmental impact monitoring efforts undertaken by TBP include monitoring of ambient air quality, emission quality, noise levels, surface water quality, seawater quality, and mine runoff quality. The monitoring result regularly reported by TBP to relevant agencies shows that all monitored components meet applicable quality standards.

Biodiversity Components

TBP's business activities have potential impact on biodiversity components, such as: 

  1. Aquatic biota; and 
  2. Land flora and fauna

Environmental impact management efforts carried out by TBP include managing impacts on water quality as a primary impact on biodiversity, identifying types of flora and fauna at TBP activity sites, and maintaining Green Open Space (RTH) at activity sites. Environmental impact monitoring efforts carried out by PTTBP include monitoring the diversity of vegetation/wildlife species and its diversity levels. The monitoring result regularly reported by TBP to relevant agencies shows no significant changes to biodiversity in PTTBP activity sites.


Socio-Economic-Cultural Components

TBP's business activities have potential impact on socio-economic-cultural components, such as: 

  1. Community attitudes and perceptions;
  2. Employment opportunities;
  3. Livelihood patterns;
  4. Community income;
  5. Public security and order; and
  6. Assimilation/acculturation. 

Environmental impact management efforts carried out by TBP include prioritizing local communities in employment, establishing communication with the community about TBP activities, providing guidance to the community regarding financial management and business opportunities, providing employment education and training, and providing guidance on local cultural preservation.

Environmental impact monitoring efforts carried out by TBP include monitoring local labor absorption, perception formation in the community, data on the type of jobs among community members and number of conflicts. The monitoring result regularly reported by TBP to relevant agencies shows that the socio-economic-cultural impact in TBP's activities’ location have been managed successfully.

Public Health Components

TBP's business activities have potential impact on public health component in the form of public health problems.

Environmental impact management efforts carried out by TBP include managing the impact on air quality as a primary impact on health, periodic health checks for employees and socialization of healthy lifestyles. 

Environmental impact monitoring efforts carried out by TBP include monitoring disease prevalence, health degrees and the number of health facilities at the activity site. Based on the monitoring result regularly reported by TBP to relevant agencies, public health impacts at the activity sites have been managed successfully.

Transportation Components

PTTBP's business activities have potential impact on transportation component in the form of disruption of sea transportation.

Environmental impact management efforts carried out by TBP include the installation of navigational aids in the area of sea transportation routes.

Environmental impact monitoring efforts carried out by TBP include monitoring the condition of shipping lanes directly.


Post Mining 

TBP Mining Permit area (IUP PTTBP) will be designated as part of the Obi Island Industrial Estate in the future, which is a National Strategic Project (PSN) based on Presidential Regulation Number 109 of 2020 which was last amended by the Regulation of the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 7 of 2023 concerning Changes to the List of National Strategic Projects. TBP’s IUP area allocation in the post-mining phase is the development of Obi Island Industrial Estate in the form of factories and their supporting facilities. The development of the Industrial Estate is part of the post-mining programs in the form of other forms of reclamation. Additionally, TBP will carry out reclamation activities encompassing revegetation, land preservation and maintenance, monitoring activities, socio-cultural-economic development in the context of sustainable development, and maintain the development of community welfare based on the Company's post-mining plan that has been approved by the Government.

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