Trimegah Bangun Persada


TBP is committed to operating responsibly. This commitment is in line with the OECD Implementation for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas.

Regarding the process of procurement, trade, and sales in the areas of high conflict and high-risk impacts, TBP is aware of the potential risks that could make a significant and adverse impact. On that account, for this OECD Implementation commitment, TBP will consider the following actions (but not limited to) in making decisions and conducting our operations: 

  • All forms of torturous, cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment;
  • Any form of forced or compulsory labor, which means that a person's work or service is carried out under threat of punishment and the person does not offer oneself voluntarily;
  • The worst form of child labor, according to ILO Convention No. 182;
  • Other serious human rights violations such as sexual violence;
  • War crimes or other serious violations of international humanitarian law, crimes against humanity, and genocide;
  • Direct and indirect support to (i) non-state armed groups or their affiliates (ii) public or private armed forces; and
  • Bribery and Money Laundering (as detailed in the Anti Bribery, Corruption, and Money Laundering Policy)

TBP will also carry out a risk approach and assessment (which is in line with the company's risk management process) for activities related to this matter. Based on the results of the assessment, TBP carries out continuous improvement actions in line with the Company's Principles of Sustainability.

In addition, TBP also completes a reporting mechanism for alleged violations that are not in line with the Code of Ethics and Conduct. The reporting mechanism is detailed in the Whistleblowing System.

TBP also conducts training in increasing the awareness of this OECD implementation for parties related to the company’s operations (including employees).

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