Trimegah Bangun Persada




Our commitment to biodiversity includes the delivery of net terrestrial conservation gain within 20 years (with 2022 as a baseline); conducting revegetation of previously mined-out areas and watershed rehabilitation, as required by law; and maintaining at least 30% green space with in the Obi Island Industrial Park.

Environmental Impact Analysis

Our expansion strategy on Obi Island is guided by a Landscape-level Nature Risk Assessment (LNRA). This assessment identifies ‘no-go’ and ‘potential go’ areas, taking into account the characteristics of the landscape, the allocation of permits and the prevention of any potential impacts and environmental disturbance associated with our activities. The LNRA also considers environmental threats un-related to TBP’s business activities, and aims to prevent them. 

For every activity that requires an environmental permit, we conduct Environmental and Social Impact Analysis (ESIA; referred to as Analisa Manajemen Dampak Lingkungan, in Indonesian regulations). Opperations cannot commence until thise permit has been secured. Furthermore, when planning operations, TBP adheres to the recommendations of peer-reviewed High Conservation Value (HCV) assessments, and conducts a yearly environmental survey to monitor flora and fauna in all operational areas.


We carry out reclamation activities with the goal of organizing, restoring, and improving the health of the environment so it can function as an intact ecosystem. Reclamation plans are created prior to the initiation of mining activities. During rehabilitation, we avoid the use of monoculture and restrict the spread of invasive species. Plants intended for restoration activities are cultivated in on-site nurseries.

Rehabilitation and the Preservation of Natural Habitats

Our commitment to net conservation gain includes the preservation and restoration of mangrove areas and watersheds. As part of our marine program, we plant and restore corals, and monitor marine ecosystem health in the vicinity of our operations. During the implementation of our marine program, we work closely with academics and members of the local community, especially local youths.

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