Trimegah Bangun Persada

Nickel Resources for Economic and Social Life


Trimegah Bangun Persada Tbk (TBP Tbk) TBP recognizes the importance of protecting the natural environment and supporting local communities in order to build a sustainable future. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations are increasingly important to investors, customers, and other stakeholders, and represent a key component of corporate responsibility. 

Therefore, ESG and sustainability are considered integral to the long-term success of the company’s business interests.

In regard to operations, we have embarked on a transformational journey to incorporate and integrate sustainability into every aspect of our business. TBP’s ESG transformation includes policy and strategy development, operational changes, reporting and disclosure improvements, and increased engagement with stakeholders.

We believe that a strong focus on social and environmental responsibility is not just the right thing to do; it also makes good business sense.

Our commitment to ESG and sustainability is clearly reflected in our governance structure, whereby our board has direct responsibility for ESG-related policies and committees. 

We have established a Group Sustainability Policy; a Board Manual Policy; a Code of Ethics & Conduct; a Whistleblowing Policy; an Internal Audit Charter; an Anti-Bribery, Corruption, and Money Laundering Policy; and a Supplier Integrity Pact. These policies are supported by our Sustainability & Diversity Committee, our Ethics & Risk Committee, and our Audit Committee.

One of the most important responsibilities of the Sustainability Committee is to monitor and evaluate all sustainability-related strategies, performance, programs, activities, and policies.

To assess and continuously improve our work, we regularly collaborate with trusted partners and recognized external stakeholder groups. This includes government bodies, local NGOs, universities, and consultants.

TBP’s commitment to sustainability is supported by structured governance mechanisms and policies:

Board Procedures

Board Manual Policy


Sustainability Policy

Sustainability & Diversity Committee

Sustainability Reports

Ethics and Good Conduct

Human Rights Policy

Code of Ethics & Conduct

Anti-Bribery, Corruption, and Money Laundering Policy

Whistleblowing Policy

External Audit

Audit Committee Charter

Internal Audit

Internal Audit Charter

Supply Chain Due Diligence

Supplier Integrity Pact

Responsible Sourcing Policy

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