Trimegah Bangun Persada

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Commemorating Youth Pledge Day, Harita Nickel and South Halmahera Youth Organization Clean Up the Beach

30 October 2023

Labuha, 30 October 2023 - PT Trimegah Bangun Persada Tbk (NCKL) or Harita Nickel, a sustainable integrated mining and downstream company, in cooperation with Youth Organizations (YO), conducted a beach clean-up activity at the Millennial MSME site in Tembal Village, South Bacan District, South Halmahera Regency, on Saturday (28/10/23) to commemorate the 95th Youth Pledge Day.

The beach clean-up in Tembal Village was initiated by Harita Nickel's Non-Governmental Organizations Relations (NGR) Department under the theme "Spread Goodness", which means to leave a trail of goodness in every inch of the land you walk on. In this event, Harita Nickel's NGR Department involved 106 participants consisting of leaders and members from various NGOs or civil society organizations in South Halmahera Regency, such as Pemuda Pancasila (PP), Muhammadiyah Youth Association (IMM), Indonesian Christian Youth Movement (GAMKI), Indonesian Christian Students Movement (GMKI), Muslim Students Association (HMI), Indonesian Islamic Students Movement (PMII), Indonesian Muslim Students Unity Action (KAMMI), Indonesian National Students Movement (GMNI), and students from Alhairat Labuha.

Zulkifli Sangaji, Harita Nickel's South Halmahera NGR Supervisor, said in his speech that the beach clean-up was part of Harita Nickel's commitment to preserve the ecosystem and environment around the community, not only in the mining area but also in the capital of South Halmahera Regency.

"Today, we are cleaning the waste at the Millennial MSME site and also the coastline right behind the Millennial MSME site. Our main consideration in choosing this location is that Millennial MSME is a culinary tourism spot for the local community of South Halmahera as well as visitors from outside South Halmahera, so it is necessary for us to maintain its cleanliness. On this occasion, we also invite the community to work together to maintain cleanliness to create a good environment," Zulkifli said.

Zulkifli also added that the beach clean-up activity with youth organizations successfully collected about one ton of waste, which was then transported and distributed to waste disposal sites.

Samsul Abubakar, the head of the South Halmahera Environmental Department (DLH), who was also present at the beach clean-up, appreciated the steps taken by Harita Nickel.

"This is a very positive activity. We, as the South Halmahera Regency Government, thank Harita Nickel for participating in maintaining the cleanliness and comfort of the environment around the community. This cooperation needs to be maintained and strengthened, and should involve more elements of the community," said the South Halmahera DLH chief.

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