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3 Days inaugurated as Regent, Basam Kasuba visits Village around Harita Nickel Operations

19 December 2023

South Halmahera, 19 December 2023 - South Halmahera Regent Hasan Ali Basam Kasuba conducted a working visit to Kawasi Village, a village surroundingHarita Nickel's sustainable integrated nickel mining and downstream operations on Obi Island, North Maluku, on Monday-Tuesday, 18-19 December 2023.

Addressing hundreds of residents, the Regent said Kawasi was the first village on Obi Island he visited after his inauguration as regent three days ago. On that occasion, he expressed his admiration for the development of Kawasi Village. He never imagined that the village, which was once deserted, has now become a center of mining industry and the largest nickel processing plant in Indonesia.

Furthermore, the Regent encouraged that the presence of industry can have a positive impact on local communities. According to him, industrial development is an opportunity for local people to welcome a better future.

To optimize these opportunities, the number one person in Halsel asked people to improve their education quality. With the required competencies, he added, local residents can occupy strategic positions in the company.

"Because this industry is around us, we must be able to contribute. But we must have the competencies needed so that our contribution is taken into account. The way to do this is through improving education," he said.

The Regent also conveyed a message to Harita Nickel management representatives who attended in the gathering with residents. He requested that the company continue to pay attention to community needs in its operational area.

"We ask the management of Harita Nickel to always pay attention to local residents, especially how local people can get access to education, health and a better future," he concluded.

During his visit, the Regent who was present with his administration extended Christmas greetings and welcomed the New Year. He also distributed 500 food packages and Christmas gifts to the residents.

Kawasi Village Head, Arifin Saroa, said the Regent's visit to his village was a special momentum. The reason is, the Regent who was just inaugurated three days ago has taken the time to visit Kawasi village.

"We also want to thank Harita Nickel for supporting the village government program, including helping the implementation of this activity," he said.

Visiting the New Kawasi Settlement

After meeting with residents, Regent Basam Kasuba continued his working visit to Harita Nickel's operational area which is also located in Kawasi Village. Accompanied by several agency heads, such as Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services (DPMPTSP) and Village Community Empowerment (DPMD), the regent directly inspected the new settlement area of Kawasi Village, on Tuesday (19/12/2023).

The new settlement of Kawasi Village is a local government program in collaboration with Harita Nickel to provide decent housing for local residents. The new settlement has been equipped with public facilities (fasum) such as village government offices, health service centers, school buildings, places of worship as well as access to clean water and 24-hour electricity.

After directly visiting the location, the regent expressed his appreciation to the company that has prepared housing and public facilities for the residents. According to him, its facilities are very complete and its condition is much more decent than the old settlement. The Regent also asked the company to immediately hand over the facilities to the local government so that all the facilities in the new settlement can be utilized by the residents.

" We will start moving public facilities such as village government services, schools, and health services here. Some have already been done, such as junior and senior high schools," he explained, witnessed by representatives of company management and the local village government.

For information, some residents of Kawasi Village have already moved into the new settlement. From 259 housing units that are ready for occupancy, at least 50 houses have been occupied by residents. Not only that, the village government has also started its office there. Since last September, learning activities for junior and senior high school students have also been moved to the new settlement.

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