Trimegah Bangun Persada

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Harita Nickel Wins Award from CEO Business Forum (CBF) Indonesia

14 October 2023

JAKARTA, October 18, 2023 - Harita Nickel or PT Trimegah Bangun Persada Tbk (NCKL), a sustainable integrated nickel mining and downstream company, has received the CEO Business Forum (CBF) Indonesia Achievement Award 2023 for its consistency in supporting the government's nickel downstream program, creating value and benefits for Indonesia. The award for Best Performance Company 2023 in Supporting Mineral Industry Downstreaming through Integrated Technology and Sustainable Implementation was presented by Jahja B. Soenarjo, Chairman of CBF Indonesia, together with Muhammad Ihsan, CEO of Warta Ekonomi Group, to Harita Nickel's Director of Health, Safety & Environment (HSE), Tonny Gultom, at the CEO Insight 2023-2024 In Conjunction With CEO Achievement Awards 2023 event in Yogyakarta on Friday, October 13, 2023.

The award was given based on the assessment of the implementation of green energy usage for the smelter plant in processing nickel sulfate (a raw material for electric vehicle batteries) using High Pressure Acid Leach (HPAL) technology. This award also takes into consideration the company's efforts to comply with the government's program in using green technology and implementing ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and sustainability by planning to develop a 300 megawatt (MW) capacity solar power plant (PLTS) in Pulau Obi, Maluku by the end of 2025.

In addition, to support the acceleration of the electric vehicle ecosystem in Indonesia, Harita Nickel is preparing to develop two nickel mining reserves to meet long-term demand, which are located close to the company's operational industrial area for convenient use. The exploration of these two reserves is part of Harita Nickel's expansion to optimize the total of four mining concessions it owns. Harita Nickel is also expanding by developing the downstream from saprolite (high grade nickel ore) to ferronickel and then to stainless steel. Estimated production capacity is expected to reach 2-3 million tons per year.

"We are very grateful for this award as it means that what we are doing to build Indonesia from the east within the framework of sustainability is appreciated and recognized," said Harita Nickel's Director of Health, Safety & Environment (HSE), Tonny Gultom, while representing Harita Nickel in receiving this award.

Tonny also stated that Harita Nickel strongly supports the government's downstreaming program to add value to nickel mining and processing, providing a multiplier effect in terms of technology transfer, contribution to the transformation of green energy use and sustainable economic impact, which will be carried out in accordance with the applicable regulatory framework. He also added that this award will serve as a driving force for the company to always strive for the best and make a positive contribution within the framework of sustainability.

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