Trimegah Bangun Persada

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Halsel Regent Supports Harita Nickel's Initiative to Develop Soligi as a Marine Tourism Destination

15 May 2024

South Halmahera - North Maluku, 13 May 2024 – PT Trimegah Bangun Persada Tbk (NCKL) or Harita Nickel, a sustainable integrated nickel mining and processing company operating on Obi Island, South Halmahera, North Maluku, held “Obi Fishing Tournament 2024” on Saturday-Sunday, May 11-12, 2024, in the waters of Soligi Village.

This fishing tournament has become a regular agenda of the company collaborating with communities in its operational circles to promote biodiversity in Obi waters. More lively than ever, this third year event was attended by 202 participants who were residents of Soligi Village and Kawasi Village.

Head of External Relations Harita Nickel, Latif Supriadi, said the company invites people to preserve Obi waters  through this fishing tournament. Evidence of biodiversity in these waters is still maintained, he added, reflected in the abundant fish catches.

“The total catch in this tournament reached 105 kg. This number does not include fish under 6 kg that are not included in the assessment. The types of fish are also diverse. Again, this indicates the fish in the waters of Obi is still abundant, " he said.

Furthermore, Latif said that the implementation of this activity was thanks to collaboration of company with community and the government. In addition to raising public awareness to preserve nature, according to him, this activity also carries a mission to promote the waters of Soligi village as a marine tourism destination.

Tit for tat, the company's initiative received a warm welcome from the local government. Regent of South Halmahera, Hasan Ali Bassam Kasuba, who attended directly to open the tournament, said the company's collaboration with the community and local government is very positive to raise the potential of Obi Waters both as a national fish barn and as a tourism asset.

“Activities that have become a routine agenda of the company with this community, we will push into the regional and even national tourism promotion agenda. With wider echoes, the potential of the region will be increasingly lifted, and many invite tourists from outside the region,” he said.

Reportedly, the fishing tournament opened on Saturday (11/5/2024) at 18.00 WIT and closed on Sunday (12/5/2024) at 10.00 WIT. The opening was attended by the Regent of Halsel who released the participants from the beach as a sign of the start of the tournament. Together with the Regent, several heads of departments, including the Department of Tourism, Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, and Department of Transportation, were present.

The participants will compete for prizes totaling Rp29 million.

As for the assessment, it uses a point system based on the type and weight of fish. For example, snapper fish weighing 6-9kg get 3.5 points, while grouper with the same weight range get 3.0 points. For fish weighing under 6 kg did not enter the rating.

Agustinus Nugroho with Grouper catches weighing 14.5 kg become the first winner and ruby snapper (bagong snapper) weighing 9.5 kg. 2nd place was won by Umar with Grouper catches weighing 13 kg and snapper weighing 8 kg. In third place Imran, with ruby snapper catch 8 kg and 8 kg snapper.

“I got the first fish an hour or two into the sea, and the second the next day. Both are not far from here, just a few hundred meters from the beach around Soligi, " said Agus.

The holding of the Obi Fishing Tournament 2024 in Soligi Village is a pride for local residents. The head of Soligi Village, Madiasi La Siriali, said he was happy that his village was appointed as the host. According to him, this activity is an opportunity for residents to stay in touch with companies and local governments and raise the potential of their villages.

Related to the development of local tourism potential, head of Halsel Tourism Office, Ali Hasan, said the waters of Soligi Village are one of the best underwater tourist spots in the area. This fishing tournament, he added, is the opening door for the sustainable development of marine tourism.****

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