11 March 2024
The sustainable integrated nickel mining and processing technology company operating on Obi Island, Harita Nickel, graduated 14 local youths completing the Vocational Education Program for the Enhancement of Youth Skills and Expertise (PELITA).
The program aims to intensively train local youths in South Halmahera (Halsel) to operate heavy wheel loaders. The training covers aspects of safety, health and environment (K3LH); wheel loader instruments and controls; care and maintenance; as well as efficient operating techniques.
The first batch graduation ceremony was held in the company's operational area, on Wednesday (06/03/2024). This confirms the company's commitment to developing the potential of local resources from South Halmahera Regency.
On a separate occasion, Harita Nickel Head of External Relations Latif Supriadi, said the PELITA vocational education program has been running since June 2023. All participants who attended this program had previously worked at the company as casual daily workers (THL) without being equipped with specific skills (nonskills). After completing this program, he added, the nonskilled workers can be appointed as heavy equipment operators at the company.
“From unskilled labor, to skillful workforce. This is the main goal of PELITA, which is to increase the capacity and competitiveness of the younger generation. PELITA was also founded on the spirit of collaboration between the private sector and the government, which is expected to be one of the keys to educating the younger generation of South Halmahera,” he said.
He added that the graduates have now fully changed their position to become wheel loader operators.
Meanwhile, one of the participants, Ruslan Ibrahim, admitted that he had long dreamed of becoming a heavy equipment operator. However, his goal has not been achieved due to lack of experience.
“Alhamdulillah, thanks to PELITA, I managed to get this vocational education and graduated as a loader operator,” said Ruslan, who previously worked as a casual daily worker at PT Halmahera Jaya Feronikel (HJF), one of Harita Nickel's subsidiaries.
Harita Nickel's initiative to improve skills of local workers received appreciation from the local government. Head of the Halsel Manpower Office, Soadri Ingratubun, expressed his gratitude and encouraged the vocational program to be continued so that it could provide greater benefits to local workers.
“We represent the Halsel Regency government, to thank the management of Harita Nickel for initiating a vocational program to develop the capacity of local young people in the mining area,” he said when giving a speech at the PELITA graduation.
In addition to the Head of Disnaker, also present at the PELITA program graduation ceremony, the Chairman of the South Halmahera DPRD, Head of Industrial Relations of the South Halmahera Manpower Office, and Harita Nickel management.
For information, PELITA vocational program is a part of the Community Development and Empowerment (PPM) program covering five aspects, i.e. health, education, economy, infrastructure and socio-culture. This vocational program will continue to be developed by Harita Nickel, to the coming batches.
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