Trimegah Bangun Persada

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The Unique Tradition of Soligi Residents Honoring Eid al-Adha

20 June 2024

On Monday morning, June 17, 2024—the second day of Eid al-Adha 1445 H—dozens of residents gathered in front of the Al-Jami’ Mosque in Soligi Village, a community located near Harita Nickel's operations on Obi Island. They had come together to witness the special ritual of animal sacrifice carried out through a unique, time-honored tradition.

The two goats selected for the sacrifice were first fed the finest grass and fresh leaves. Once they had eaten their fill, the goats were bathed and sprayed with perfume. Next, they were dressed with clothes on their bodies and turbans on their heads. With these preparations, the goats looked neat and fragrant.

“This special treatment symbolizes the love Prophet Ibrahim had for his son, Prophet Ismail,” said Ishak, the imam leading the ritual, as he explained the meaning behind the tradition.

Next, the two pampered goats were paraded around the mosque three times. The villagers, including children, watched solemnly as they participated in the procession.

Khazanah tradisi unik desa soligi sambut iduladha

Before the sacrifice, the goats were bathed, dressed in white clothes, and then paraded around the mosque.

After this display of care, the goats were ready for the sacrifice. Ishak led the slaughter with great precision. The animals' eyes were covered with burial cloths, and the slaughterer held his breath throughout the procedure to ensure the ritual was performed respectfully.

Following the sacrifice, the imam and the villagers sat on mats and recited prayers until the goats had fully passed. This sacred moment deeply touched everyone present, as the air was filled with reverence.

“This is how our ancestors carried out the tradition, and we continue to uphold it as long as it remains in accordance with religious norms,” Ishak explained.

Once the ritual was complete, the villagers worked together to process the meat, preparing various dishes to be shared among all.

However, the Eid al-Adha celebrations did not end there. In the evening, the villagers gathered once again for a Ngibi performance in the village square. Representatives from Harita Nickel were also present to enjoy the event.

Festival ngibi soligi

The Ngibi cultural performance was further enriched by a pencak silat competition for students from elementary to high school in Soligi Village.

Ngibi is a traditional art form of the Buton tribe, the majority ethnic group in Soligi. The dance is performed in pairs, accompanied by the sounds of a gong and drum, with no lyrics. Female dancers perform the Cungka Dance, followed by the male dancers performing the Ngibi Dance. A significant aspect of the Ngibi Dance is that male dancers are prohibited from touching the female dancers as a sign of respect.

This year's festivities were further enhanced with a pencak silat competition, involving students from elementary through high school. The village head, Madiasi La Siriali, explained that this inclusion of younger generations helps connect them with the traditions of their ancestors.

“We are grateful to Harita Nickel for supporting us in preserving our traditions and helping to pass them down to the next generation,” Madiasi said, acknowledging the company's involvement.

The evening in Soligi was filled with joy as both the villagers and Harita Nickel representatives shared in the warmth and camaraderie of the celebration. More than just the sacrifice, Eid al-Adha in Soligi represents a time for strengthening the bonds of community and deepening the relationship between residents and the company.

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