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Integrated OHS Supervision Through Digital Platform

11 March 2024

The limited number of personnel and the large working area require safety teams in all Harita Nickel business units at the Obi site to innovate supervision of Occupational Safety and Health (OHS). One of them is through the use of digital platforms to support OHS reporting and supervision in their respective work environments.

Guguh Prakoso Utomo, Safety System & Compliance Supervisor of PT Dharma Cipta Mulia (DCM), said the idea of utilizing digital means for OHS supervision arose from the limitations of ineffective manual methods. This is because the physical green card system, which has been distributed directly and provided in each department, has not been optimally utilized by employees.

Green card is an observation card used to report unsafe actions or behaviors in the company's operational areas. Through this card, all employees can submit reports of risky behavior they encounter in the field. 

“Initially we used small and printed forms. We distributed them directly, there were also boxes in each department, but it was not quite effective. Therefore, since the beginning of 2023 we explored, and implemented the green card online,” explained Guguh, who previously served as Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) Compliance at PT Halmahera Persada Lygend (HPL).

Through green card digitization, employees can now submit their findings online. “First, this report will be received by the safety team as the command center. After being categorized and sorted based on the level of urgency, the report will be forwarded to the relevant department. So with that form, our reports are immediately recorded or well-documented,” he said. 

Since the green card digitization was launched, it has been proven that OHS supervision by involving employees is more effective. Even though, the number of employees who fill out the form has not yet reached 10 percent of the total number of employees. 

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Therefore, to further optimize employee involvement, the OHS supervision digitalization program is now connected to a company policy called the Safety Accountability Program (SAP). This applies to all employees of all levels.

“Employees who submit the highest number of reports will be rewarded. We will also give it to departments. Who best handles reporting, we will reward with a gold flag. Conversely, those who get the most reports, but are not followed up, will be rewarded with a black flag,” he explained.

The implementation of green cards at HPL since mid-2023 has helped raise employee awareness on the importance of participatory OHS monitoring. Yanwar Wiratmoko, OHS Staff at HPL, said that with awareness, employees will be encouraged to make reports whenever they find dangerous actions or conditions in their work environment. 

”When we find a case where someone is working without proper safety attributes, they will usually make a report through the online green card form that is accessible through a smartphone,“ he explained.

The innovation of OHS supervision through green card digitization that has been implemented at PT HPL, as well as by other business units under different program names, is an important step that the company has made to encourage active participation of employees in maintaining their work environment. 

Another benefit is that the information collected can be quickly and efficiently analyzed to identify trends and patterns of unsafe behavior. With this information, companies can take more effective preventive measures. In addition, digital documentation makes it easier to track and evaluate corrective actions made as a response in the field.

In addition, the safety teams at HPL and DCM have also been using an android-based application for OHS reporting. With this application, the findings report can be presented in a complete and integrated format. Starting from the location point, photo and video documentation, to its handling status. To get more comprehensive services and features, the safety team has coordinated with the IT team to develop the software exclusively.

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