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HPSN 2025, Harita Nickel Invited Kawasi Students to Keep School Clean

24 February 2025

Harita Nickel commemorates National Waste Awareness Day (HPSN) 2025 by organizing waste management socialization to students of Loji Permai Junior High School and Tunas Muda High School in Kawasi Village, Obi District, South Halmahera, North Maluku. This socialization aims to invite students to take real action in keeping the school environment clean.

During the event, students were introduced on how to process waste using the Reduce, Reuse and Recycle method or known as the 3Rs. Millah Hudiyah Daeng Barang, Environmental Foreman Compliance, explained that waste management is important to reduce adverse impacts on the environment. Waste that is not managed properly, she said, can cause health problems, pollute the environment and even cause casualties.

“The landslide at the Leuwigajah landfill in Cimahi, West Java, caused many houses to be buried by garbage and hundreds of people died,” said Mila, after playing a video recording of the unfortunate event twenty years ago, which is commemorated as National Waste Awareness Day every February 21.

Mila further explained that the first step needed to be taken in managing waste is to sort waste according to its type, namely inorganic waste, Toxic and Hazardous Materials (B3) and organic waste.

Not stopping at theory, the students were also invited to take action to clean up waste in the school environment. Each student was seen picking up trash and putting it in a plastic bag. Before being taken to a temporary shelter, the waste was first sorted according to their respective categories.

Chairperson of the student council of Tunas Muda Kawasi High School, Crisa Siar, said that keeping the school environment clean is very important so that students can avoid the threat of disease. In addition, a clean school environment makes the view more beautiful and comfortable.

“I invite all of my friends to maintain a clean school environment and familiarize ourselves with a healthy lifestyle, by disposing of garbage in its place,” she said.

Satrio, a student of Loji Permai Kawasi Junior High School, echoed the same sentiment. According to him, he learned the importance of maintaining cleanliness from this event. He also admitted that he was interested in participating in training on processing waste into handicraft products, which will be held in the next session.

The head of Tunas Muda Kawasi High School, Obet Siar, asked students to follow the entire series of HPSN 2025 activities and apply the knowledge gained in their daily lives. Starting from throwing garbage in its place, reducing plastic waste by reusing items that can still be utilized.

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Harita Nickel's Community Development Manager, Ifan Farianda, formally presented a waste bin donation to Obet Siar, Head of SMA Tunas Muda in Kawasi Village.

Meanwhile, Community Development Manager of Harita Nickel, Ifan Farianda said HPSN 2025 with the theme “Collaboration for Clean Indonesia” is part of the Harita Teaching program which aims to instill a culture of clean living among students. The activity will continue with the practice of sorting waste, then processing waste into handicraft products whose results will be exhibited on March 10.

“Through the 3R movement in this HPSN series, we invite students to take concrete action in keeping their school environment clean. It is hoped that it will not stop at this event, but will be embedded and become a culture in the daily lives of the students,” he concluded.

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