19 January 2024
Harita Nickel has been officially named ‘Best Social Innovation Mineral Mining Company’ and ‘Smelter Pioneer’ at the 2023 Energy and Mining Editor Society (E2S) Awards, held in Jakarta on Friday, January 12, 2024.
The Best Social Innovation Mineral Mining Company award was given to Harita Nickel in recognition of the company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) program, known as the ‘Strengthening Village Business Actors’ Independence Movement’, or Gerakan Kemandirian dan Penguatan Pelaku Usaha Desa (GEMAR PAPEDA). Working through this program, Harita Nickel recruits local suppliers to help meet the company's food consumption needs.
Meanwhile, the Smelter Pioneer award acknowledges Harita Nickel's track record in consistently and reliably completing projects, creating added value, and engendering positive knock-on effects for the wider region. Together, these awards demonstrate Harita’s dual commitment to quality operations and positive community impact.
“Thank you very much for the appreciation from the Energy and Mining Editor Society,” said Latif Supriadi, Harita Nickel's Head of Community Affairs, speaking shortly after the awards ceremony in Jakarta. He went on to outline the company’s vision for the near future: “We will not stop here, and will continue to innovate social programs that meet the needs and conditions of society."
Latif also emphasized Harita's ongoing commitment to support government programs that can help improve community welfare and achieve Indonesia’s targets for UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The annual E2S Awards are a form of recognition from editors and senior journalists in the national media who focus on the energy and mineral resources sectors. The long and rigorous assessment process begins with a full year monitoring news related to the company. After that, in order to narrow down the list of potential award winners, the process continues with selection based on seven criteria. Finally, the winners are decided following intensive deliberation by a panel of judges, experts, and academics.
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