Trimegah Bangun Persada

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Harita Nickel CSR Achievements in Semester 1 of 2024

15 September 2024

Throughout the first semester of 2024, Harita Nickel implemented Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs in a number of fields, including education, health, economy, socio-culture, and infrastructure. These programs were designed support sustainable development in the company's operational areas, while also raising living standards in the community.

Below is a list of programs and achievements associated with Harita Nickel's CSR activities, enacted during the first half of 2024:

1. Education Program

Equitable access to high-quality education is the key to creating talented human resources who can make a positive contribution to society. With that principle in mind, Harita Nickel delivered a number of educational programs for residents in the vicinity of the operational area, including:

a. The Skills and Expertise Improvement Program (PELITA)

b. Harita Mengajar (Harita Teaches)

c. Teacher incentives

d. Sewing training

2. Health Program

During the first semester of 2024, the company also implemented a number of health initiatives designed to improve access to medical services, including:

a. Free medical treatment

b. Health facilities and infrastructure

c. Stunting prevention

3. Agricultural Development

Agriculture is one of the primary sources of livelihoods for residents on Obi Island, South Halmahera. Therefore, Harita Nickel provides a range of support to boost farmers’ productivity and combat poverty, including:

a. Obi Food Security Center (Sentani)

b. Climate-responsive Horticulture & Agribusiness Center (Obi Sehati)

c. Super Hortima Horticulture Farming Business Center

d. Initiation of the progressive livestock model (Impresif)

e. Fishermen Farming Business Center (Sutan)

f. Learning Together in Nature, Kawasi (Salam Kawasi)

In the first half of 2024, this program engaged with 414 farmers spanning 21 farmer groups, and was responsible for generating income totaling IDR 1.29 billion.


4. MSME Development

Harita Nickel also helps to develop Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the surrounding community. Several business units resulting from partnerships with residents include:

a. Hop Mart

b. Nyala Cafe

c. Obi Snack

d. RUTE (Rumah Usaha Tangguh Ekonomi)

e. Pro-Mama

f. Prosa

This activity involved 43 women's group members and succeeded in opening six job vacancies for Hop Mart, Nyala Cafe, and Prosa employees. So far, during this year alone, revenue of IDR 1.97 billion has been generated across all business units.

5. Infrastructure Program

Infrastructure is the primary facilitator of all socio-economic activities in the community. Throughout 2024, Harita Nickel has collaborated with the South Halmahera Regency Government to build infrastructure, including:

a. Construction of a bridge in Soligi

b. Construction and renovation of places of worship in Soligi

d. Renovation of village maternity units (polindes) in Fluk

e. Construction of the Rabat Road connecting Fluk Village and Kelo Village

f. Repairs to the Gambaru pier

g. Provision of electricity and clean water for 297 families in Kawasi Village


6. Environmental Programs

Harita Nickel also collaborates with residents to maintain cleanliness and environmental sustainability in villages around the operational area. This includes the following activities:

a. Transportation and processing of waste from residential areas

b. Beach clean-up operations in the Kawasi coastal area

7. Socio-cultural Programs

Harita Nickel also contributes to the development of socio-cultural activities on Obi Island. Some of these activities include:

a. Arts and culture events

  • Ngibi Festival
  • Cakalele Festival

b. Youth activities

  • Support for Quran recitation (MTQ) activities
  • Support for youth organizations
  • Support for church youth groups

c. Religious activities:

  • Isra Miraj Celebration
  • 1425 Eid al-Fitr gift packages for the community and orphans
  • Ramadan Safari
  • Easter celebrations
  • Provision of 22 cows for Eid al-Adha celebrations in 18 villages

d. Sports activities

  • Support for the Bupati Cup soccer team
  • Support for women's volleyball

e. Social donations

  • Assistance in referring patients to Labuha Regional Hospital
  • Flood disaster assistance
  • Donations during the Ramadan Safari, which went to 500 orphans in 16 villages

Contributions to Community Development

The presence of Harita Nickel opens up opportunities for communities around the operational area, enabling them to grow together. Throughout 2024, Harita Nickel's social programs have received various accolades, including the 2024 Sustainable Village Development Awards from the Ministry of Villages and Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration.

Moving forward, Harita Nickel will continue striving to positively impact the surrounding community. A number of programs have already been prepared for the second semester of 2024, which are expected to raise standards still further, thereby improving quality of life for residents in the vicinity of Harita Nickel's operational area.



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